
Thursday, June 30, 2011

DIY (Doodle It Yourself): Ombre Denim Short

Hi lovelies!

For an early warning, this is gonna be a looong post to scroll. :p

So welcome to my first ever DIY fashion tips!! :D I'm glad to share this amazing tricks to make yourself an ombre clothing trend! And since pictures say more that a thousand words, so I'll just get started telling your the recipe thru it.. Here you go.

And voila...

Kei, now there are also several tips I'd like to share with you..
1. DO NOT forget to put on you masker before started. Combining the two liquid will creates such strong smell. Also I would suggest to do the whole process outdoor, not indoor. (I didn't know, and I did it in my room. Turned out, my room had this strong chlorine odor for two days! Yukk!)

2. When you first mix the bleach and vinegar, make it a 1:4 proportion between vinegar and whitening bleach. You should pour the bleach more than the vinegar. TOO MUCH vinegar will give you burnt color (it will turns the color to ugly yellow!)

3.. It's IMPORTANT to do a test shot. Make a first cut on the edge of your jeans, and slice it small so you have many for the test shot. Until you have the right ration for your liquid mix on the bucket, then you could just dip your jeans into the bucket.

4. To make a soft color transition ombre (on the top of your jeans), tilt your jeans a bit so the liquid seeps your jeans bit by bit. Don't just dip it horizontally coz that will give you clear straight line between two colors.

5. After you finish, rinse the whole jeans and dry it. When it dries out, cut it short the way you like it. Then just razor the edge for the ripped look.

6. To complete your natural shredded jeans, now is the time to wash the jeans (with detergent). Coz rubbing the ripped jeans will bring out the shredded threads.

So that is it. You're good to try it. I didn't use any gloves when I did this, but I wouldn't suggest you to wet your hands with the mixed liquid.  :)

Aaaand, I had a birthday 2 days ago! :D [oh no I'm getting old.....] I had a surprise cupcake from Monica of freesiablog. Come, have a bite! (virtually) ;))
Until next post, toodles-doodles!!


  1. gosh this is really a great DIY tips!
    lovin' it, it looks really cool.


  2. love it! great idea and it turned out cool! happy belated!


  3. Aww, you are adorable. I am terrible at DIYs.

    And Happy belated birthday!

  4. i saw tutorial like this on macbarbie07's youtube chanel :D
    it's awesome. i love yours.

    My blog♥mfashionfreak

  5. wow, I love your outfit!
    If I'm gonna try your tutorial, I'll tell you the result. ;)
    Think it won't look that good as yours. :'D

    gosh, i love your blog. ♥

    kibear ♥

  6. Your shorts look SO GOOD !


  7. Love those shorts! your whole outfit is so cute. xxx

  8. This is so cool!!! :)

    Following you! Care to check my blog too? :)


  9. I love it! Nice that you share is with us! Love your glasses too ^-^

  10. wow...such a great blog..love it :D

    i'm following you now
    wish you can do the same thing whenever you had a chance :)

    warmest regards,
    Miss Aa

  11. I just discovered your blog, and I have to say, I really like it *follows* :D

  12. this might just be the most brilliant diy i've ever seen!

    and umm, happy belated birthday dear!

    xx // themerrimari.blogspot.com

  13. you know i just adore your blog name!!! i just found it and it is so cute! I'm definitely following you!

  14. I dont think I can cut one of my short :s

  15. Fabulous, well done!! turned out great. i also did ombre denim but with a more pink look if you'd like to have a look at mine :)



  16. Interesting DIY!! I make this


  17. wow nice post. i like your short. i'll try this DIY. anyway i'm following you kindly check mine or maybe follow me back :3

    kisses from indonesia,


Tanks for all of your lovely comments, dolls. You have brighten my day! I will def show some love by visiting each one of you. Tanks again love! :)